FEEDING SYSTEMS Our machines operate in two basic principles: Gravity system: The ice-cream mixture in the upper tanks at 2-4 C moves to the internal cylinders with the effect of gravity and the ice-cream is produced. It is easy and useful. Rising and volume increase up to 35% is available. Pump gears (gear system): The ice-cream mixture in the upper tanks at 2-4 C is taken through rhe high pressure geared pumps and pumped to the internal cylinder. Rising and volume increase up to 80-90% is available. The ice-cream gains an excellent form, taste and quality. Less material is used than the gravity machines. In our Gelmatic product range, both the geared system pump machines and the gravity machines are available. The weight is 100 gram in a gravity machine while the weight of ice-cream, obtained from the geared system pump machine, is 70 gr. Based on various product types and customer requirements, steel or teflon rolling pins are used in the internal cylinders. TheBag-in-Box (BiB) andheattreatment (HT) systemsare Gel Matic’sanswerforthosewhowantmaximumhygiene. ThepracticalBiBcontainer holding theliquidmixturesits in a refrigeratingcabinetandeliminatesvirtuallyallcontactwiththeair Themachinesbased on HT technologyoffertheopportunitytoheattreatthemixturethanksto a specialrefrigerationsystemmonitoredandrunviaIn.co.Di.S.(Interactive control&DiagnosisSystem).